Capstone Project (Penned)

A hack and slash 3D action-adventure game set in the world of Poe's imagination. The game also utilizes vocabulary words to imbue the main protagonist with an array of offensive and defensive abilities.

I provided the model for the protagonist, Finley; the enemy characters, The Family; and the game's main Boss enemy, the Black Cat. I also had the opportunity to work on an environment area which I was able to populate and light within the Vision engine.

Work content coming soon

Rapid Prototypes

One of the many cool things about FIEA is that we actually work in teams to build many rapid prototypes leading up to the main capstone game in the Spring. Each round was two weeks long, with an interim presentation after the first week to show our progress on the games. 

Robo Destructo Battle Battle Battle!

A duel to the death that pits two players against each other by having each participant build  a battle machine using various armaments with both offensive and defensive properties. The game utilized the Monster Media TV platform, which is essentially a giant sensor screen that requires people to control the game through hand motions over the glass where sensors will read them, and translate that into commands. Definitely alot of fun to playtest!

Programmer: Stephen P. Karasevich 
Artists: Steven C. Kosanovich and Marco Garcia
 Producers/Designers: Emily Krebs and Skotty Bechara


Mercury Particle Generator, Autodesk Maya
For this round, we were required to choose an existing IP and build a game from that. The only requirement was that there was to be no prior video game based on that property. I worked on creating the enemy and ghost assets as well as worked with the programmers to develop the particle beam used to capture the ghosts. It won the most Innovative Game of the Year award for utilizing the XNA game engine, the Wii controller for aiming, and the Kinect motion sensor for activating the trap. Not to mention we're the first team to have successfully built a nuclear powered proton accelerator pack. We took the utmost safety precautions.

Artists: Marco Garcia, Bryan Venzen
Producers/Designers: David Hottal and Bryan Venzen
Programmers: Michael Krusel and David Weston
Voice of Slimer and Tutorial Narrator: David Weston

                                             Better quality video coming soon.

Super Sprint

This wasn't a Rapid Protoype project but something that the programming students were assigned. I had fun helping out with it, and it ended up looking pretty cool! I assisted by polishing some of the track backgrounds. 

Programmers: Max Thomson and Eric Frichter